2D Model
The 2D artists on the Continental team are specialists who use computer graphics to create art, drawing the world around the metaverse, characters, objects, weapons, environments and other images.
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The 2D artists on the Continental team are specialists who use computer graphics to create art, drawing the world around the metaverse, characters, objects, weapons, environments and other images.
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Binomial processing and character prototyping
Creating visual content for games is becoming increasingly important within the Continental team. 2D artists of our project draw in-game illustrations and take part in the creation of the gameplay from the stage of game design to the test network of the playing field and solve a huge number of tasks. Working closely with 3D designers, animation and graphics experts, they are an integral part of Continental's large creative team.
Coolers and illustrations of playable characters and inside the Meta playfield.
2D artists know the basics of painting and composition, create drawings on paper with a regular pencil. When creating images or game illustrations, it is necessary to correctly evaluate proportions, choose angles, arrange chiaroscuro - for all this, professional knowledge is indispensable.
The 2D artist on the Continental team is in constant communication with the team. develops concepts in accordance with the terms of reference or references. draws objects, characters, locations in the spirit of the game style using elements of vector and raster graphics.
Concept face
UX/UI-artists are engaged in detailed rendering of the game interface. Each new detail of the game field or character, settings menu, skill upgrade panel and sale message in the in-game marketplace is the work of a UI artist. 2D-artists of the Metacontinental project know how the interface of the game field must look in order to optimally fit the gameplay.
Processing the binomial by the artist and transferring colors to the style of the 2D image
illustration colors