Decentralized Organization.
Meta Continental.
Company Continental
Company Continental will gradually evolve into a community-owned Decentralized Organization This process occurs as Continental is distributed among players and stakers, with the Meta Verse ownership becoming less concentrated over time. The Continental team will be able to vote with the locked Play to Earn and Staking rewards allocations. This will prevent hostile actors from disrupting the ecosystem during the early and crucial phases of development. We estimate that Meta will no longer have the Majority vote by October 2022.
The road to becoming a Decentralized Organization
Version 0 - October, 2020 / Token generation event CTL.
No voting possible
Version 1 First half 2021 / Staking dashboard released
CTL holders can stake their tokens through the staking dashboard and participate in governance votes brought forward by the Continental team.
These votes will revolve around which teams should receive funding from the ecosystem fund, and how the Community treasury should be distributed.
Version 2 - Early 2022
More on-chain votes about smaller issues.
Potentially changing the way votes are being counted from 1 token 1 vote to Quadratic voting.
Version 3 - September 2022 / Decentralized Organization.
Continental holders determine which governance framework should be used and how much should be voted on. Some decisions will not be up for debate such as token supply which is iron-clad in smart contracts.
Potential things that can be voted on:
Should Continental use the marketplace created by Meta Continental ?
How should the Community Treasury be used to reward CTL holders and the broader Continental community?
Should the Community Treasury funds be attached to any yield farming/staking services such as or Rari.Capital?
and more.
Last updated